Why I moved my website from WordPress to Squarespace

WordPress has traditionally been The Platform for websites. But things have really changed in the last 5 years!

My first business website was on WordPress. It was easy (but a little time-consuming) to design, but the real killer was the maintenance. Having to manage plugin updates, backups and security was something I got sick of having to do. Sometimes it would only take 5-10 minutes. But other times, an update would break something and then that 5-10 minutes would turn into an hour or more of rolling back and then troubleshooting which plugin broke what part of the site.

I had also noticed that clients I built WordPress sites for often did not do their own maintenance. I decided to see what other website platforms were out there.

Squarespace had been around for a while, but when I had tested the platform previously I found their editor clunky and it wasn’t an option I was willing to recommend to clients. I found it especially frustrating in the early days when their designs were all template based and didn’t have the option for all functionality. However, in early 2020 Squarespace released version 7.1 and this removed the restrictions of the traditional templates. After testing the new editor, I decided it was time to move my website.

I could not be happier with my Squarespace website. It’s easy to edit, and with no ongoing maintenance I have no regrets!


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